Teen Suicide Prevention: An important discussion for all parents, carers and educators
Regrettably, research shows that over 200 young lives are lost to young suicide every year and so, with more teenagers being exposed to the reality of suicide through peers and social media, conversations around this sensitive topic could be literally life saving. This week, we were joined by the wonderful Dick Moore, ex-head teacher and teen mental health specialist, who sadly lost his son to suicide, to talk about recognising and responding to early warning signs and where concerned parents and carers can turn for help.

Exam Stress: Helping your teen cope
Stress and anxiety around exams is a significant concern for teenagers and their families and navigating this time can feel difficult or overwhelming. Understanding the causes of exam stress can make all the difference in not only helping teenagers achieve, but also building their resilience and confidence.
In this week’s session, we were joined by parenting expert and psychologist, Dr Maryhan, to talk about stress, burnout and mental health during exam periods, including how to keep teens calm but motivated throughout the season.

My teen has low self-esteem - how can I help?
Teenagers often suffer low self-esteem, a challenge that can manifest in various ways. This week, we were joined by Clinical Psychologist, Dr Gemma Allison, to talk about some of the early signs of low self-esteem, the impact of social media and how parents and carers can create a supportive home environment.

How to support your neurodivergent teen
Knowing how best to support neurodiverse young people can be a challenge, especially during the complex developmental period of adolescence. In this week’s session, we talked to Dr Sarah-Jane Knight, a Clinical Psychologist with extensive experience in working with neurodivergent children and adolescents, about ways to help teens manage sensory sensitivity, overwhelm and emotional regulation in daily life, including social and school settings.

How to help your teen deal with grief and loss
More teenagers are encountering death in and around their lives than ever before - whether it's the loss of a close family member, friend, someone in their own community or a celebrity. The way in which someone dies - whether through illness, by suicide or a tragic accident - adds another layer of complexity to their grief. On top of this, their awareness of death is heightened by global events like Covid-19, wars, terrorist activities, earthquakes, and natural disasters, making loss feel more immediate and widespread.

How to build stronger bonds with your teen
Parenting teenagers is tough - strong emotions on both sides can make it hard to connect and get your message across. The key isn’t forcing your point, but finding ways to listen and communicate without overreacting. This week, we were joined by Dr. Sheila Redfern, a Consultant Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychologist at Redfern Psychology and Head of Trauma at Anna Freud, who shared practical tips on strengthening the parent-teen bond and finding better ways to communicate.

Teenagers and Sex: The reality check
In today’s constantly evolving world, relationship and sex education (RSE) plays a hugely influential role in shaping how young people perceive and engage with the world around them. The importance of providing teenagers with comprehensive, non-judgemental education cannot be overstated, and helps them to build healthy relationships. But it’s not just at school, online, or from friends that young people learn about relationships and sex; it’s also through the important conversations we have at home. Parents and guardians have an important role in shaping how teens understand consent, boundaries, and emotional health, and their guidance can make all the difference when teens develop their own healthy and respectful relationships.

Depression & Low Mood: A parent’s guide
Understanding the emotional world of teenagers today can be difficult for parents. It’s not always easy to recognise the difference between typical teenage mood swings and something more serious, like depression. In this week’s session, Clinical Psychologist, Dr Sarah-Jane Knight, explained what signs to look out for and how parents and carers can best support teenagers struggling with their mood.

The Power of Sleep
Teen sleep is complicated - it’s not just about their changing biology and hormones, but also the worries and pressures they’re juggling, from school to social life. In this week’s session, research psychologist Dr. Faith Orchard shared valuable tips on building healthy sleep habits, while also shedding light on the challenges teens face in getting enough rest.

Teen Anxiety: How can parents help and support
Teen anxiety is a multifaceted issue that affects many young individuals, and January can bring extra pressures - from school demands to self-image struggles, and the constant impact of social media.
In our first session of the year, we talked to Dr Fran Boudour, a Clinical Psychologist specialising in children and young people, about the underlying causes, recognising the signs and what effective strategies parents can action to help teenagers navigate these challenges.

Understanding and Supporting Teens with Social Anxiety
Social anxiety in teenagers is a prevalent issue that can significantly impact their daily lives and interactions. It is essential to differentiate between typical teenage shyness and more severe social anxiety. Adolescents naturally become more self-conscious and socially anxious due to developmental changes. However, when avoidance of social situations becomes frequent and leads to withdrawal, it may indicate a more significant concern.
In our final session of the term, we talked to Clinical Psychologist, Dr Sarah-Jane Knight, about supporting teens with social anxiety, including spotting the signs and how to help.

Underage Drinking & Substance Misuse in Teens
The conversation around teen substance use, including drinking, vaping, and drug use, is an important one for parents, especially during the festive season when teens are socialising more, and the risks of experimenting with substances may increase. This week, we were joined by Fiona Spargo-Mabbs OBE, Founder and Director of the Daniel Spargo-Mabbs Foundation, to learn more about the substances in circulation, the factors contributing to substance use among teenagers, and how parents can best navigate these challenges.

Understanding and Supporting Teenagers with OCD
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition characterised by persistent, intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviours (compulsions) that individuals feel compelled to perform. These compulsions are often carried out to reduce the anxiety associated with the obsessions, but the relief is typically temporary, which causes a cycle of distress.

How Parents Can Help Teens deal with School Pressure
In today’s fast-paced world, teenagers face a myriad of pressures, particularly in academic settings. To support teens in the best way possible, it’s crucial for parents and educators to recognise the various sources of pressure and the impact they can have on the mental health of young people. Even the best-intended parental guidance can sometimes add more pressure, especially if it’s based on a different version of success than the teen sees for themselves.

Difficult Conversations with a Teen
Navigating the complexities of teenage mental health and communication can be challenging for parents and educators. This week, we talked to Dr. Bettina Hohnen, a Clinical Psychologist with extensive experience in child mental health and neurodiversity, who offered valuable insights into understanding and supporting teenagers, particularly when it comes to difficult conversations.

Autism & School Avoidance: What can parents do to help?
Autism in teenagers brings specific challenges, particularly in the school environment. Autistic teens often struggle with sensory sensitivities, social interactions, and the unpredictability of the school day. The overwhelming noise, busy corridors, and crowded spaces like lunchrooms can create significant overload and anxiety, making school attendance difficult. These sensory challenges, combined with the need for more sensory regulation and structured routines, can contribute to Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA), where students avoid school due to emotional distress.

ADHD: Diagnosis and how to move forward
ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a developmental disorder that often presents unique challenges during adolescence. This period of life is marked by significant changes, both physically and emotionally, which can amplify the symptoms of ADHD. Understanding these changes and how they affect teenagers with ADHD is crucial for providing effective support.

Understanding Teens and their Online World – Essential knowledge for every Parent
The digital world is an enormous draw for teens, offering incredible advancements in education, social interaction, and hobbies. Yet, there's always a balance to be struck between benefit and risk. Cyberbullying and online harassment remain significant concerns, with statistics indicating that a substantial percentage of teenagers have experienced some form of online harassment.

Neurodiversity: A Parent’s Guide
Understanding and supporting neurodiverse teens, particularly those with autism and ADHD, requires a nuanced approach that respects their individuality and focuses on their strengths. We were joined by Dr Tamasine Black, Lead Educational and Child Psychologist, who shared insights on how to understand the unique challenges of neurodiverse teenagers, how to adapt parenting styles to meet their needs and support their unique challenges.

Understanding Eating Disorders in Teens: Causes, Signs, and Support
Research shows that 12.5% of 17 to 19 year olds in England are living with an Eating Disorder, and the numbers only seem to be getting higher. Eating Disorders in teens are complex and multifaceted, requiring careful observation and sensitive handling. In this week’s session, we spoke with Dr Nihara Krause, award-winning Consultant Clinical Psychologist and CEO of teen mental health charity, Stem4, who share valuable insights into recognising and addressing these issues.